
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Resonse to Austin Sphon Blog

I have chosen to respond to Austin Spohn blog, Tiger’s Gatorade Endorsement. Austin exams how Tiger Wood’s is one of the top athlete in the world and how this reflects on him endorsing Gatorade.

Tiger Wood’s is a big celebrity that is known throughout the world and can therefore be used as an effective marketing tools for any company. Gatorade believes Tiger Wood’s was such a big celebrity they made a product with his face on it.

Austin agrees with Gatorades decision to indorse Tiger as he believes Tiger has the perfect credentials to endorse their products. I agree with Austin as the Tiger ill straights the same values and mottos that Gatorade is trying to establish in their product.

The article that Austin uses “Woods close to mega deal with Gatorade” is useful to his topic and helps strengths his argument he does not use it effectively in his blog. He does not go into any depth explain the article and what opinion it has on the topic.

Overall I agree with Austin’s blog and Gatorades choice to endorse Tiger Wood’s

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